今日は何の日【2月20日】- 世界社会正義の日 「World Day of Social Justice」

今日は何の日【2月20日】- 世界社会正義の日 「World Day of Social Justice」












  • 包容性: すべての人々が社会に参加し、貢献できるような環境を整えること。
  • 公平性: すべての人々が平等な機会と資源を享受できるように、制度や政策を改善すること。
  • 持続可能性: 将来世代のニーズを損なわずに、現在の世代のニーズを満たすこと。
  • 連帯: 国際社会全体が協力し、社会正義の実現に向けて努力すること。



World Day of Social Justice: Towards a More Just Society


February 20th is World Day of Social Justice. This day was established by the United Nations to reaffirm the importance of social justice and to encourage efforts to build a more just and inclusive society.

Background of World Day of Social Justice

World Day of Social Justice was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 26, 2007, and has been observed since 2009. This day recognizes that social justice is the foundation of a peaceful and prosperous society, and aims to create a society where all people can enjoy equal opportunities and rights.

Past Efforts

Through World Day of Social Justice, various actors, including governments, international organizations, civil society, and private companies, have been working to achieve social justice. Specifically, activities have been carried out in a wide range of fields, such as poverty reduction, inequality reduction, respect for human rights, and promotion of decent work.


However, many challenges remain in achieving world social justice. Various problems, such as poverty, inequality, discrimination, and conflict, are intricately intertwined and hinder social stability and development. In addition, new challenges such as climate change, technological innovation, and demographic changes have emerged, making it even more difficult to achieve social justice.

The Ideal

To achieve world social justice, a society where all people are respected for their human dignity and rights and can enjoy equal opportunities and resources is essential. To this end, the following elements are important:

  • Inclusivity: Creating an environment where all people can participate in and contribute to society.
  • Equity: Improving systems and policies so that all people can enjoy equal opportunities and resources.
  • Sustainability: Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations.
  • Solidarity: The entire international community working together to achieve social justice.


World Day of Social Justice is a day for each of us to think about and act on social justice. Let’s think about what we can do to build a more just and inclusive society, and take a small step forward.